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Prenatal Adjustments

- Over 10 Years of Experience
- New Patients Specials Available
- Se Habla Español

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Let Back Pain be a Talk of the Past

There is no better feeling than the movement of life within you! However, pregnancy is accompanied by severe back pain and other types of discomfort. At Adjusted Health, we'll reduce if not eliminate that lower back pain by gentle chiropractic adjustments. 

These chiropractic adjustments can relieve the discomfort associated with the changes in the center of gravity in pregnant women. Contact us to learn more.

Get Rid of Your Lower Back Pain!

(847) 742-5070

(847) 742-5070

Dr. Thompson is amazing! My husband threw his back out and was in so much pain until he saw Dr. Thompson. He helped my husband so much. He listened to what was hurting him and had him feeling better in no time! Thank you!

- Nan Darby

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